AI-Powered Osteoporosis Screening Solution
AI-Powered Osteoporosis Screening Solution

Osteoporotic fracture is an invisible disaster.
Osteoporotic fractures are silent diseases that strike without warning, like typhoons, wildfires, or floods.
They are difficult to identify early and can lead to severe consequences,
including death, yet their risks often remain underestimated.
Osteoporotic fractures are silent diseases
that strike without warning, like typhoons,
wildfires, or floods.
They are difficult to identify early and
can lead to severe consequences,
including death, yet their risks
often remain underestimated.
Osteoporotic fractures are silent diseases that strike
without warning,like typhoons, wildfires, or floods.
They are difficult to identify early and can lead to severe consequences,
including death, yet their risks often remain underestimated.
The global number of
patients 1)
2-year mortality rate after osteoporotic fractures 2)
fracture costs 3)
The global
number of
patients 1)
2-year mortality rate after osteoporotic fractures 2)
fracture costs 3)
The global
number of
osteoporosis patients 1)
2-year mortality rate after osteoporotic fractures 2)
fracture costs 3)
Low osteoporosis awareness
of less than 20% 4)
Low osteoporosis awareness of less than 20% 4)
Low osteoporosis awareness
of less than 20% 4)
1) World Osteoporosis Day Campaign Toolkit 2024
2) Korea University Medicine;
3) Measurement of socio-economic disease costs due to osteoporosis in Korea. Gyeonggi Research Institute. 2019
4) King AB, Fiorentino DM. Medicare payment cuts for osteoporosis testing reduced use despite tests’ benefit in reducing fractures. Health Aff (Millwood). 2011;30(12):2362-2370.
An early warning system is essential
for invisible disasters.
An early warning system
is essential for
invisible disasters.
Just as a building collapses when its pillars break, fractures can cause our bodies to deteriorate.
This is why an early warning system is essential to prepare for such disasters.
Just as a building collapses when its pillars break,
fractures can cause our bodies to deteriorate.
This is why an early warning system is essential
to prepare for such disasters.
Just as a building collapses when its pillars break,
fractures can cause our bodies to deteriorate.
This is why an early warning system is essential to prepare for such disasters.

We found our answers through CXR images.
Our AI technology identifies osteoporosis using chest X-ray images commonly taken in the hospital.
Through simple installation, you can effectively and accurately identify potential osteoporosis cases.
Our AI technology identifies osteoporosis
using chest X-ray images
commonly taken in the hospital.
Through simple installation, you can
effectively and accurately identify potential osteoporosis cases.
Our AI technology identifies osteoporosis using chest X-ray images
commonly taken in the hospital.
Through simple installation, you can effectively
and accurately identify potential osteoporosis cases.

Our AI solution supports physicians in making medical decisions.
PROS CXR OSTEO has been trained
on 55,000+ chest X-rays.
It takes approximately 4 seconds to analyze
and validate a single image.

Our AI solution supports physicians
in making medical decisions.
PROS CXR OSTEO has been trained on 55,000+ chest X-rays.
It takes approximately 4 seconds to analyze and validate a single image.

Robust Performance
Instant Results at a Glance

From Osteoporosis Early Warning
to Fracture Prevention
From Osteoporosis
Early Warning to
Fracture Prevention

We will establish new standards.
We will establish
new standards.
We strongly believe that empowering everyone to detect osteoporosis
early, easily, and conveniently will make the world a better place.
We strongly believe that empowering everyone
to detect osteoporosis early, easily, and conveniently will make the world a better place.
Trained with high quality data acquired from a leading hospital and proved strong performance through published article.
Trained with high quality data acquired from a leading hospital
and proved strong performance through published article.
Patients benefit from fracture prevention, while hospitals can cost-effectively guide patients to bone density examination.
Available at a lower cost compared to other
diagnostic devices (QCT).
Enabling easy detection utilizing the most widely taken chest X-ray images.
Enabling easy detection utilizing the most widely taken chest X-ray images.
Enabling easy detection utilizing
the most widely taken chest X-ray images.
Offers better cost, accessibility, low radiation risk and accuracy compared to alternative diagnostic methods like QCT and QUS.
Offers better cost, accessibility, low radiation risk and accuracy compared to alternative diagnostic methods like QCT and QUS.
Reduced radiation exposure compared to
other diagnostic devices (QCT).
Developing into an AI cloud platform
for full continuum of osteoporosis care.
Developing into an
AI cloud platform
for full continuum of osteoporosis care.

How do I use this? Do you download a software?
Why do you need a chest X-ray when there is a gold standard protocol which is DXA?
Can the AI also analyze chest X-rays that contain artificial objects like implants or medical device?
Can the AI analyze chest X-rays with findings such as active lung lesions?
What is the sensitivity or specificity of the model?
How many X-ray images were used to train to model?
Is the solution externally validated?
Are there any effects on the BMI or ethnicity?
What about other body parts or chest AP view or lateral view?
Can you show ROIs such as heatmap in your result?
How do I use this? Do you download a software?
Why do you need a chest X-ray when there is a gold standard protocol which is DXA?
Can the AI also analyze chest X-rays that contain artificial objects like implants or medical device?
Can the AI analyze chest X-rays with findings such as active lung lesions?
What is the sensitivity or specificity of the model?
How many X-ray images were used to train to model?
Is the solution externally validated?
Are there any effects on the BMI or ethnicity?
What about other body parts or chest AP view or lateral view?
Can you show ROIs such as heatmap in your result?
How do I use this? Do you download a software?
Why do you need a chest X-ray when there is a gold standard protocol which is DXA?
Can the AI also analyze chest X-rays that contain artificial objects like implants or medical device?
Can the AI analyze chest X-rays with findings such as active lung lesions?
What is the sensitivity or specificity of the model?
How many X-ray images were used to train to model?
Is the solution externally validated?
Are there any effects on the BMI or ethnicity?
What about other body parts or chest AP view or lateral view?
Can you show ROIs such as heatmap in your result?